How I Thrive: Flex & Flow Founder Jamie King

How I Thrive: Flex & Flow Founder Jamie King

How I Thrive takes an inside look at founders, entrepreneurs and leaders and the behind-the-scenes self-care work they do to in order to live balanced, happy lives. Today's edition is with Flex & Flow Founder Jamie King, who considers movement her self-care guilty pleasure and swears by a cold brew smoothie every morning.

Name: Jamie King

Age: 38

City: Portland, OR

Company: Flex & Flowa global community for people who love to move. The Flex & Flow community offers daily, live online and in-person HIIT & Flow and yoga classes, as well as a robust on-demand library of classes that can be accessed whenever from wherever, plus opportunities for the community to connect via events, trainings, and retreats.

Role: Founder

Beyond the role: Ultra runner, yogi, mom, and cold brew addict

Morning routine:

I always feel like an entrepreneur cliche when I say this, but I'm a morning person. I typically wake up before 6 a.m. so I can hit the trails for an early morning run. I like to move first thing in the morning as I find it really helps set the tone for my day and if I'm lucky, I can usually still make it back in time to have breakfast and coffee with my son. And by coffee, what I truly mean is a cold brew smoothie, which typically consists of cold brew, oat milk, banana, dates, peanut butter and chocolate chips.

After caffeinating and spending a little quality time with my kid, I get on my computer (usually around 8 or 8:30 a.m.) and do a quick scan for any fire-drill type emails. Once I am sure there are no fires to address (or I’ve addressed them all), I’m usually creating content, planning classes, working with instructors on scheduling and class logistics and taking calls with brand partners or colleagues. Then I either break for a little lunchtime yoga or take my dog for a walk to break up the day.

The first thing I do after work:  

Once I wrap up my workday (around 4 p.m. because of childcare), I'm usually heading out to the park with my son and my dog so we can play, run around, and enjoy some fresh air together. And then every evening at 5 p.m., I join my Flex & Flow community for a one minute handstand on Zoom before we begin to think about evening activities and, of course, dinner.

Dinner ritual: 

We have a toddler, so we typically try to eat around 6:30 or 6:45 p.m., which means we do a LOT of meal prep on the weekends. My partner and I split up dinner duty week by week so that we're both responsible for cooking, and we usually also have at least one takeout night per week. I love to squeeze in evening yoga when I can, which often means I'm motivated to have dinner nearly ready to serve well in advance — so that I can heat and serve as soon as class is over!

Nighttime routine:  

To be honest, these days my nighttime rituals mostly involve getting my toddler ready for bed. My partner and I alternate nights on kitchen clean-up and bath time responsibilities. Once everything is clean, we all sit in my son's room and read books, tell stories, and then hope that he goes to bed without too much fuss. Once he's down, we're usually both checking work emails, and then winding down with good book or a little TV.

Self-care guilty pleasure:

Movement. I run every single day, and I also practice yoga at least 5 times a week. For me, having a movement routine is non-negotiable — it keeps me centered, focused, and feeling good in my body and mind.

Workday self-care hack:

I'm not sure if this is a hack, but one thing I love to do during the workday to take breaks from my office is to get my dog outside for mid-day walks and park romps.

How do you define self-care?

To me, self-care is about cultivating habits (or rituals) that help me show up better in the world. It's like putting on my oxygen mask first so that I can be better equipped to really show up and care for my community.

Favorite childhood toy or hobby:

Dance! I started dancing at a very young age, and I think it taught me a lot about discipline, while also encouraging my creativity, and ability to express myself.

State of your (email) inbox: 

Before I had my son, I was a proud as hell zero inboxer. While I'm still extremely organized with my email, I typically have anywhere from 30-50 unread messages in my inbox. And if I'm honest, it makes me a little itchy to think about it.

Want to kick your self-care game up a notch? Subscribe to Silk + Sonder today.

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